Wishfin.com partners with TransUnion-CIBIL


Wishfin.com has partnered with TransUnion CIBIL to provide its customers with their free CIBIL Score & Credit Report on Wishfin.com.

This will help customers to know their credit history and status. This also provides borrower an opportunity to rectify errors (if any) in their credit report. Wishfin.com is the first fintech firm to offer this facility with TransUnion CIBIL.

“CIBIL is considered to be the gold standard in credit reports. Almost all banks base their credit decision for retail customers on their CIBIL score. It is important for a consumer to know their credit score and credit report well. We are happy that this partnership will enable us to serve our customers better. We can help our customers understand their credit better and that will enable better financial decisions for them”, said Puru Vashishtha, Chairman, Wishfin.com.

The availability of a ready credit score/report will empower the consumer in his dealings with the lenders and will also enable Wishfin.com in guiding consumers to make the best financial decisions. It is to be noted that close to 79% of all loans in India are disbursed to consumers having a CIBIL score of over 750. The CIBIL scale is graduated from 300 to 900 points. The credit score and report will be available on Wishfin.com but customers will be able to view it only after an informed consent is provided by the consumers. This is to ensure compliance with the strictest data protection policies that Wishfin.com follows. Wishfin.com has really simplified the process and customer experience of procuring a CIBIL Score & Report.

“Our vision has always been to assist consumers obtain faster and cheaper access to credit in order to help them achieve their dreams. This is our first step towards helping the financial ecosystem spread awareness about credit scores & reports” said Hrushi Mehta, Vice President & Head – Direct to Consumer Interactive at TransUnion CIBIL.
