TIM Launches Open RAN Network Coverage in Piedmont

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In Saluzzo, south-west Piedmont, the TIM Group is continuing its programme to deliver Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) Solutions across its mobile network, with the aim of speeding up the development of 5G and Edge Computing digital services through new centralised and in cloud functions.

Benefiting both citizens and businesses, Open RAN technology in fact allows the mobile network to be made more flexible to supply ever more evolved digital services also in 5G.

TIM thus confirmed itself as the only operator in Italy and among the first in Europe to have already launched an important infrastructure initiative to create the ‘open network’ model, which promotes the involvement of software development and start-up companies.

In particular, now that laboratory tests have been run in Turin and field tests completed in Faenza and Matera, TIM is also bringing the new mobile radio network to Saluzzo, thus creating one of the most extensive Open RAN coverages in Europe.

The Open RAN solution is used in a complex scenario, with live traffic and radio coverage over multiple frequency bands transmitted from several sites, using TIM tools and methodologies for optimal management and control.

This further technological milestone in Saluzzo has been achieved with the help of JMA Wireless for RAN software components, Microelectronics Technology (MTI) for radio-frequency equipment, Dell Technologies for the hardware and Cisco for transport to the site. Italtel has supported TIM with the system integration of this solution.

The Open RAN deployment and the ‘intelligent’ components of the new radio network are fundamental in terms of security and resilience, based on ‘made in TIM’ developments. The use of SON (Self Organizing Network) systems allows the spread and inclusion of Open RAN solutions in the TIM network to be accelerated, thus promoting the coexistence of Open RAN functionalities with the other network components.

The development of Open RAN solutions, in keeping with the 2021-2023 ‘Beyond Connectivity’ plan, allows the potential of Edge Cloud and Artificial Intelligence to be combined. This technology will enable operators to strengthen security standards, improve network performance and optimise costs in order to provide ever more advanced digital services, such as those linked to the new Industry 4.0, Smart City and self-driving solutions.
