Telia Company invests 100 MSEK in a Sustainable Development Bond recently launched by the World Bank. The bond focuses on gender equality and health - key topics to address during the pandemic and beyond.
”Telia Company is committed to integrate sustainability into our key processes to make sure that sustainability permeates all that we do. One area is sustainable finance where we are increasingly catching the opportunity to invest some of our own excess liquidity into sustainable bonds, while opening up ways for our own investors to do the same”, says Agneta Wallmark, Head of Group Treasury at Telia Company.
Supporting the group´s ambitious sustainability agenda, Telia Company’s strategy for Sustainable Financial Management has been in place since 2019 in line with the company’s overall strategy. It includes aspects such as Sustainable Financial Governance, Sustainable Funding Solutions and Sustainable Financial Investments. The company’s overall sustainability agenda forms the foundation for the work, an agenda that is thoroughly integrated into the company’s overall business strategy.
Excess liquidity is to an increasing amount being invested in a sustainable way, the most recent investment - 100 MSEK in the World Banks Sustainable Development Bond – is timely: the pandemic disproportionally impacts women’s health. Earlier sustainable-themed investments have been made into green bonds. Telia Company has also issued green bonds on its own. In 2020 two bonds - of EUR 500 million and SEK 750 million – were issued, dedicated to investments related to e.g., energy-efficient network transformation and green digital solutions.