
Gameloft Set to Unveil Sniper Fury for Android, iOS and Windows Soon

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Delivering true next generation gaming experience for its user community, Gameloft is set to unveil Sniper Fury game for Android, iOS and Windows.


A Static Shooter game by genre, Sniper Fury will come with an increase in the diversity of gameplay and the evolution of the weapon's innovative combat terrorism all over the world! Experience depth and quality of the shooter the highly-polished, in a format that is accessible and gameplay.


Sniper Fury is set in the close, foreseeable future, and covers a dark scenario in which the world is crumbling under terrorist attacks. Players are deployed to hot areas as top-class snipers to bring safety back.


The action will take players to missions all over the world, as the story thickens and the terrorists grow stronger and bolder with their evil plans.

The environment diversity enables a variety of special atmospheric effects that enhances the value of this game even further.

A strong shooter expertise behind the game


o Developed in the same studio that launched Modern Combat 5, Brothers in Arms 5, Blitz Brigade
o Using the latest technology: rendering based on Modern Combat 5
o Amazing visual effects make this the best looking shooter on the store

Accessible gameplay focused 100% on shooting

o Player is deployed in sniper vantage points, with clear missions: eliminate threat, protect ally, survive, prevent enemy from fleeing etc.
o No player movement
• Very intense kill cams

Game release date – 3rd December’ 2015

Gameloft has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms and with an audience of 173 million monthly users offers via Gameloft Advertising Solutions a unique level of visibility and involvement to advertisers.

A leading digital and social game publisher, Gameloft® has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms and with an audience of 173 million monthly users offers via Gameloft Advertising Solutions a unique level of visibility and involvement to advertisers. Gameloft operates its own established franchises such as Asphalt®, Order & Chaos, Modern Combat and Dungeon Hunter and also partners with major rights holders including Universal, Illumination Entertainment, Disney®, Marvel®, Hasbro®, Fox Digital Entertainment, Mattel® and Ferrari®.

Gameloft is present on all continents, distributes its games in over 100 countries and employs 5,000 developers.

Gameloft is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris (NYSE Euronext: GFT.PA, Bloomberg: GFT FP, Reuters: GLFT.PA). Gameloft’s sponsored Level 1 ADR (ticker: GLOFY) is traded OTC in the US.

Android iOS Windows Gameloft Sniper Fury