Federated Wireless, a shared spectrum and private wireless enabler, announced it successfully ran live demonstrations of a pre-production 5G private wireless network leveraging 5G-enabled IoT applications to support smart warehouse automation in Albany, Georgia, at the Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany from April 18-20, 2023.
The transformational private 5G smart warehouse network will serve as a launch pad to modernize U.S. Marine Corps operations and other DoD combat readiness facilities nationwide. The official go-live for the private 5G network deployment at U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany (MCLBA) is scheduled for July 2023.
Some of the 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications powered by gigabit speed and ultra-low (sub 15 millisecond) latency leveraging the private 5G network included:
· Real-Time Robotics – provide route optimization, maintenance, and analytics for autonomous forklifts, robots, and guided vehicles
· Smart Security Cameras – stream and store video footage for asset tracking, staff authentication, and arrival/departure tracking to ensure campus security
· Connected Equipment – including sophisticated conveyance systems with scanners and other IoT-enabled equipment to help optimize inventory and asset management, and provide input for operations heat mapping
The next generation applications were demonstrated in front of a diverse audience of DoD and military leaders, senior civilian executives, and legislators and their staff, including Dr. Thomas Rondeau, Principal Director for FutureG & 5G for the U.S. Department of Defense. Dr. Rondeau is responsible for guiding the department on research, funding, and execution of programs around warfighting capabilities using 5G and future-generation wireless technologies.
“Achieving a pre-production, state-of-the-art private 5G network built solely by U.S.-based companies is an important milestone in advancing U.S. 5G competitiveness and gives the U.S. Military a key strategic advantage that can be replicated across mission-critical DoD facilities to accelerate warfighter readiness,” said Dr. Rondeau.
These groundbreaking innovations were made possible by the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum-sharing framework established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Federated Wireless’ Spectrum Controller provides the automated sharing framework to protect incumbents, like the U.S. Navy, from harmful interference while enabling new shared access uses. In addition, leveraging previously unused CBRS spectrum opens opportunities to modernize other branches of the DoD and streamline all base operations, from securing facilities and automating building maintenance to streamlining airpower operations and enabling remote emergency healthcare.
“Our demonstration of these innovative 5G applications and use cases proves the art of the possible and marks a huge leap forward for defense logistics and, ultimately warfighter readiness,” said Kurt Schaubach, Chief Technology Officer of Federated Wireless. “We are excited to begin working with other DoD and military leaders to extend the power of edge computing and private 5G to telehealth, training, facilities security, supply chain optimization, and other mission-critical operations.”
Federated Wireless was selected as the prime contractor for the MCLBA smart warehouse 5G network. To deliver the coverage, capacity, and low latency required by the warehouse, the DoD collaborated closely with Federated Wireless and other private, U.S.-based technology leaders, including Cisco, JMA and KPMG, to build out the network foundation. The federal and industry leaders joined forces around common goals to increase operational efficiencies across all branches of the military, bring manufacturing back to the U.S., and advance U.S. leadership in 5G technology.
“By bringing together senior federal officials with U.S.-based technology global leaders, we are arming our warfighters with the most advanced logistical solutioning for all branches of the military while bringing 5G manufacturing back to U.S. soil and positioning the U.S. at the forefront of 5G technology leadership,” said Iyad Tarazi, CEO of Federated Wireless.