
B.Link Taps Motorola Solutions to Keep Indianapolis Communities Safe

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In October 2019, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett and Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) Chief Bryan Roach kicked off a new initiative to help keep residents safe.


Powered by Motorola Solutions, B.Link Indy is connecting the police department with security camera systems owned by businesses and homeowners across the city.

By linking cameras together, IMPD will be able to access video footage to help solve crimes faster and potentially save lives.

•B.Link Indy allows residents to register their security cameras with IMPD using Motorola Solutions’ CrimeReports+.
•B.Link Pro is for businesses who use one or more security cameras. They can link their cameras to IMPD’s Incident Analysis Center, built on Motorola Solutions CommandCentral Aware software platform.
For privacy, live streams will be accessed by IMPD only in the event of a call for service or report of a public safety threat.


Early B.Link participants include Goodwill Industries and Big Red Liquors. Businesses are working directly with the Indy Public Safety Foundation to become part of the B.Link program.


In 2017, the City of Indianapolis chose to invest in software for a cutting-edge real-time crime center. Their vision was a hub equipped with technology that helps officers quickly find critical information and enable them to spend less time managing outdated systems – and more time serving their communities.


Today, the real-time crime center is operational, built on Motorola Solutions mission-critical technologies including:

•CommandCentral Aware uses video to disseminate critical intelligence to first responders.
•CommandCentral Analytics creates reports and actionable items from collected data.
•CrimeReports+ allows IMPD to share local crime information and visibility to agency operations with the community.
IMPD also uses Motorola Solutions’ PremierOne Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD), PremierOne Records and PremierOne Mobile – an in-vehicle, dispatch and intelligence application – that connect with the CommandCentral platform.

First responders communicate using ASTRO® 25 radio network and APX radios, and dispatchers use VESTA for NextGen 9-1-1 call taking.


B.Link would not be possible without the City of Indianapolis and IMPD’s strong ties to the community.

“We’ve always had the mantra that the community and the police should be one,” said IMPD Chief Roach. “Residents can register their cameras on B.Link Indy, and we’ll be working together to keep communities safe.”

Motorola Solutions Critical Communications Indianapolis B.Link Indianapolis Communities