
Vodafone Germany to install solar power panels across network sites

Telecomdrive Bureau
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Vodafone Germany to install solar power panels across network sites

Vodafone Germany has announced a new plan to increase the share of self-produced energy through solar power. The initiative will support Vodafone’s aim to become CO2e-neutral in its own direct and indirectly generated emissions by 2025.


All suitable mobile phone stations and smaller regional data centres on the fixed network will be equipped with solar panels by the end of 2025. Once installed, these panels could generate the equivalent energy per year needed to charge a small electric car almost 28,000 times and drive around 6 million kilometres.

Setting up in 200 network locations

To begin with, Vodafone Germany is working with solar power specialist Sonnenkraft to equip 86 network locations throughout the country with photovoltaic panels, each with an output of 398 kWp. Depending on the geographical location, time of year and weather conditions, these mobile and landline stations can be operated completely independently at times by feeding in solar energy.


Vodafone Germany to install solar power panels across network sites

The ultimate goal is to equip all suitable locations across Vodafone Germany’s footprint, from mobile phone towers to regional data centres. Within this financial year, the number of projects will more than double, to around 200 locations.

Sustainable innovation


The solar power initiative is the latest in a series of technical innovations and efficiency measures designed to reduce the volume of Vodafone’s CO2 emissions.

Other projects have included adding small wind turbines at selected mobile phone sites to support power generation, and a dynamic energy saving function within mobile sites which adjusts energy consumption based on real-time usage. Since the introduction of the dynamic energy-saving mode in 2022, Vodafone Germany has saved enough energy annually to meet the needs of up to 3,000 households.

Vodafone Germany Vodafone Germany network sites solar power panels