
Veego Enables Service Providers with Self-Care App for Enhanced Internet Connectivity

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Veego has announced a Self-Care app that provides unprecedented visibility into the connected devices, live applications, and services used by customers globally.


With the app, Connected Home users simply download the application, tap on any displayed device or component, which then delivers real-time data about the user's Wi-Fi reception, network load, cloud status, and performance, or any problems they may encounter.

Veego Logo

When Veego identifies a problem with service, app or device connectivity, the application provides an alert with easy-to-follow recommendations for fixing the problem or will direct the customer to contact the service provider. Veego’s newly available mobile app supports Internet Service Providers by enabling non-technical home internet users to get real-time insights of their home device use. Users also have the ability to further optimize their experience with recommended quick fixes that proactively improve connectivity and performance.


Leveraging the Veego application, telecom service provider customers gain unprecedented insights into the quality of Internet service, making the Self-Care app a unique and powerful solution for both the customer and service provider. With the app, users can view their Connected Home topology and the health of all network components and active devices.

By double-clicking on any displayed device or component, users can obtain information on performance; whether from cloud applications, CSP services, Wi-Fi networks, and end-user devices. The app identifies the actual source of Quality of Experience problems and eliminates the need for common customer calls to the CSP’s Customer Care department.

For advanced users, Veego Self-Care furnishes useful statistics and measurements such as the latency of currently active applications (critical to gamers), packet loss rates, and other indicators of network and session health. The company also offers a white-label version of the app that can be branded by Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and distributed to their subscribers to increase engagement and customer loyalty. The Veego Self-Care app also forecasts network quality, enabling users to check and adapt their home network before important activities such as game tournaments or video conferences.


“By running our breakthrough AI-based product, CSPs have been able to dramatically improve their understanding of each customer’s Quality of Experience,” stated Denis Sirov, Veego’s CTO. “We are now able to pack all of our acquired intelligence into a simple, easy-to-use smartphone app that lets CSP customers manage their connected home and optimize their experience.”

Veego continuously enhances the Internet user experience in the connected smart home. Developing Artificial Intelligence and other breakthrough technologies, Veego delivers to Home Stakeholders a unique understanding of the performance and behavior of connected devices and the apps and services running on them, and the experience of users engaging with them.

The Veego Home Insight Platform generates vast volumes of new data that enable a wealth of valuable insights into the connected home, including penetrating understandings of the customer experience, internet usage, performance, trends, and more.

Internet Connectivity Veego Self-Care App