TIM has signed a strategic agreement with Eutelsat Communications to expand its offer of satellite ultrabroadband services, in line with the goal of gradually closing the digital divide in Italy starting in 2021 and thus also covering the most isolated and remote areas of the country.
Under the agreement, in compliance with applicable regulations, TIM will purchase, for the coming years, the entire transmission capacity for Italy on the two new high-performance satellites that Eutelsat has either activated or will activate in the coming months: the KONNECT ultrabroadband distribution satellite and, subsequently, the KONNECT VHTS satellite, once it comes into operation, which, thanks to its greater capacity, will allow even higher performance connections of up to 200 Mbps to be offered to an even greater number of customers.
The satellite ultrabroadband service to be launched by TIM in early 2021 will go to join the ultrabroadband connection solutions already on the market, which use of the FTTH, FTTC and FWA networks, and is therefore a complementary system aimed at covering even the most isolated parts of the country.
This will extend to an increasing number of people the option of working and studying remotely and taking advantage of advanced entertainment services, while offering businesses the option to get connected and seize the opportunities of the digital revolution and Industry 4.0.