
Telefónica presents strategic alliances with El Corte Inglés, Iberia and Twitter

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Telefónica presented the strategic alliances with El Corte Inglés, Iberia and Twitter to incorporate new features into Movistar Home, its home device which incorporates Aura, Telefónica’s Artificial Intelligence, into all of its services.


It is equipped with a display so that users can manage the contents of Movistar+ as well as the communications and connectivity of the device.

During the presentation on the set of Late Motiv, Emilio Gayo, President of Telefónica Spain, pointed out that "Movistar Home means a step further in the evolution of the Fusion convergent offer, where Artificial Intelligence is becoming a reality for the customer. It is a new device that reinvents the experience of our customers at home, an evolution that Movistar intends to lead."

On his part, Chema Alonso, Chief Data Officer of Telefónica, has stressed that "Now, with Movistar Home, Aura wants to create new experiences at home and we are working with major players to do this, taking advantage of the differential value provided by the display and the connection with the television service. With the launch of these Movistar Home’s new features we advance in the creation of an ecosystem in which the main companies in the industry are present".


Since 15 November, customers who have pre-reserved through the website ( will start receiving the device at their homes. A campaign will be launched at Christmas, during which the device will be sold at a price of €79. Movistar Home will be available in all Movistar channels (Stores, and 1004 call centre). The operator will provide the options of financing the device over 12 or 24 months, which means that customers will be able to enjoy Movistar Home from just 6.98 euros and 3.68 euros per month respectively.

About the features, from the first day, the user will enjoy services to manage the contents of Movistar+ as well as the home communications and connectivity. In particular, you can forget about the remote control, always find relevant content to watch, never miss content that interests you, replace the landline and manage Wi-Fi connectivity.

Thanks to its 8-inch display, Movistar Home will incorporate new features in the coming months in Spain to extend the possibilities of the home device through collaboration with leading companies with strong local presence such as El Corte Inglés, Iberia and Twitter.


In this way, Telefónica will incorporate Movistar Home with a service which will allow the user to discover in El Corte Inglés products related to the contents that are being broadcasted that will be available through a dynamic and specific catalogue.

Similarly, to create new experiences, Movistar Home integrates the best of the social media conversation related to television content on Twitter. In particular, it will show the user what is trending on Twitter while watching a specific content.

Another feature to be added at the end of the year is the possibility for the user to make queries about the status of the flights they have reserved or purchased with Iberia as well as other tasks.

An interactive quiz voice game will turn the device into a family gaming platform which will be offered to complete the new possibilities that will arrive with Movistar Home at the end of year.

The possibility of interacting with Movistar+ provided by Movistar Home complements the experience of the four million-plus pay TV customers and makes it unique, enabling them to enjoy all the football and other sports which generate great interest, including Formula One and basketball, a list of thousands of fiction titles and the original production contents of Movistar+, which continue to receive prizes such as the recent Ondas Awards.

In this way, Movistar Home is a device that reinvents your home and consolidates the creation of an ecosystem which includes the main companies in the industry.

Twitter Telefónica strategic alliances El Corte Inglés Iberia