
Sweden's Paydrive upgrades all customers with Telia Sense

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Sweden’s leading digital car insurance provider Paydrive will upgrade all 8 500 customers with Telia Sense, Telia’s solution for the connected car. This is the first step in an increased co-operation between the two companies.


Telia Sense is an easy-to-use mobile app for your car that puts everything you need to know right at your fingertips. No matter how you use your car, ownership will be smoother, easier and more convenient. Telia Sense is developed with partners from the automotive and insurance industries. It enables a combination of car-control functionalities, such as remote car monitoring and diagnostics, 4G connectivity and Wi-Fi, and – as in the case with Paydrive – user-based car insurance.

“The data users consent to share from the connected cars allows for new business models and more efficient processes for our partner companies. Our partnership with Paydrive is the perfect case in point,” says Marcus Lidbeck, Head of Digital Markets, Telia Company Division X.

Paydrive’s digital car insurance premiums vary according to driving behavior and distance. Customers save on average 30 to 40 percent on insurance costs and contribute to increasing reductions.


“As a small startup in the insurance space our focus is to develop our innovative digital car insurance offering. By partnering with Telia, we ensure that our customers can continue to use our services while adding modern technology and greater flexibility,” says Andreas Broström, Founder and CEO, Paydrive.

The upgrade of the 8500 customers starts in April and will be completed during fall. Telia Sense is included in all new Paydrive subscriptions as of March 6.

Sweden Telia Company Telia Paydrive Telia Sense