
Smartron: Realizing IoT Driven Innovation to Reality

Telecomdrive Bureau
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Smartron: Tapping Into the World of IoT, Bringing New Opportunities to Life

After strongly establishing itself on the technology map of the region - India’s very Smartron strongly believes in realizing full potential of IoT led innovation for its next generation smart IoT devices and sensors integrated with tronx based services and care from consumer to enterprise to industrial to infrastructure markets.


The company is set to bring more interesting and innovative products in the market this year. In a discussion with Zia Askari from - Mahesh Lingareddy, Founder & Chairman, Smartron India Pvt Ltd speaks about the journey of the company so far and what can we expect from Smartron in the coming months.


Smartron has been moving on an innovative path... What can we expect from the company in the coming months??


Smartron is preparing to launch about eight (8) next generation smart IoT products in fiscal year 2017-2018. These products are ranging from mobile to smart home to personalized health to enterprise to smart energy tightly integrated with our AI powered TRONX IoT platform.

You will see Smartron pivoting towards various IoT verticals more and more.

Please share details on how has been the journey for smartron, so far?


Smartron is founded in August 2014 with a vision to build India's first true technology OEM brand believing that India needs to focus on building product companies and product ecosystem for long term growth away from services and conglomerate culture.

It has been a challenging and yet rewarding journey. In about 2 years from inception, Smartron went from start to 200+ strong R&D team, launched tphone, tbook and ttab with our own tronx back-end platform, raised more than INR 100 crore capital, brought in Sachin Tendulkar as brand ambassador, brought in Sanjay Jha onto the board and expecting to close first fiscal year of revenues close to INR 50 crore.

There is no other Indian start up especially in the hardware which has done this.

Moving ahead, how do you look at the opportunities in India and globally?

Smartron sees tremendous opportunities for its next generation smart IoT devices and sensors integrated with tronx based services and care from consumer to enterprise to industrial to infrastructure markets.

We see tremendous opportunities, as we pivot towards 8 IoT verticals from personal to health to home to energy to enterprise to industrial to infrastructure to agriculture.

How will the company address these opportunities?

Smartron is bringing complete solution to each of these verticals with devices, sensors, services and care as part of tronx platform. We are also building a strong product ecosystem around tronx through partnerships with various companies. We are partnering, investing and acquiring companies to address various market opportunities.

In today’s scenario, technology is leading disruption in almost every walk of life..How do you look at upcoming IoT driven opportunities in smart home, smart city and smart enablement segment?

Tens of billions of units and trillions of dollars of revenue opportunity. Technology innovation and disruption is the key. One needs to take holistic platform approach to succeed in IoT driven opportunities. Smartron is taking platform and ecosystem approach.

Will the company continue to partner with more organisations such as Volta and bring innovative disruptions in the market?

Absolutely. That has been part of our strategy to build a strong product ecosystem around our tronx platform. We are working with close to at least 10 of such companies. We will be making announcements about these partnerships at the right time.

India IoT Platform Mahesh Lingareddy Smartron Smartron India Sachin Tendulkar Realizing IoT Driven Innovation IoT Driven Innovation Founder & Chairman TRONX IoT Platform TRONX