
OPT Enhances Digital Access across French Polynesian Islands with SES Networks

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

The Office des Postes et Telecommunications of French Polynesia (OPT) is delivering enhanced mobile broadband and Internet services to residents across the vast French Polynesian territory through a new partnership with SES Networks.


Under the new agreement, OPT will access the powerful NSS-9 satellite’s wide C-band coverage to reach the sprawling Polynesian archipelago of 118 islands in the South Pacific and beyond. Connectivity on NSS-9 will enable OPT and its fully-owned subsidiary, VINI, to grow their network to meet consumers’ and businesses’ fast-growing connectivity needs, and provide new and enhanced user experiences and services. OPT has been using SES satellite capacity to provide connectivity services since 2007.

“OPT and SES Networks have been partners for the last decade. It was thanks to SES satellites that we brought French Polynesia into the Internet age. Today, mobile broadband and Internet connectivity demands from residents and businesses are growing faster than ever. NSS-9 offers reliable coverage and a wide footprint spanning the Pacific Ocean – a perfect complement to our terrestrial infrastructure, as we expand our network to provide new and enhanced services that people need,” said Tehina Thuret, Telecommunications Chief Executive at OPT.

“Solid connectivity infrastructure is the backbone for full participation in the digital era. With French Polynesia’s challenging terrain, satellite forms an indispensable part of this backbone. Our partnership with OPT has grown from strength to strength over the past decade, as they pave the way towards wider and enhanced connectivity across French Polynesia. We are proud that NSS-9 will be a key enabler of OPT and VINI’s expansion programme to bring new services, opportunities, and experiences to people across the South Pacific,” said Imran Malik, Vice President, Fixed Data, Asia-Pacific, SES Networks.


SES networks is showcasing its latest product innovations at the ongoing global exposition - CommunicAsia 2018 in Singapore.

SES Networks OPT Digital Access French Polynesian Islands BroadcastAsia 2018