
Open Innovations Forum Discusses Role of Corporate Universities in Driving Professional Education

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At the 7th Moscow International Forum 'Open Innovations' there was held a session 'Getting a corporate degree. The role of corporate universities in the system of professional education.'


The participants talked about the interaction of business and universities. The session speakers confirmed that in order to achieve tangible results, companies should have own corporate programs to work with personnel. Online learning can be a good option to achieve this. At the same time, each student should feel a personal approach, for example, be able to communicate with a teacher or a mentor via messengers or video-communication.

SIBUR Corporate university Director Natalia Yamshchikova underlined the importance of rehabilitation of the mentorship institute. This will help the interaction of business and universities - professors will train specialists sought-after by specific companies.

Kirill Kaem, Skolkovo Foundation, Senior Vice President for Innovations, spoke about the possibilities for technological star-ups:


'Today we are talking about digital transformation. This affects all market segments and all industries, - said he. - Mobile team building, work with external team-members, i.e. soft skills. - this is what is currently widely sought-after by companies.'

According to Dean of Sberbank Corporate University Valery Katkalo, by 2025 the overwhelming majority of their company employees will be from Generation Z - young people with good command of information technologies. For specialists of this generation it is highly important that the work should be inspiring. That is why it is important to create new corporate culture yet today.

Innovation Russia Moscow Open Innovations Skolkovo Open Innovations Forum Role of Corporate Universities Driving Professional Education Corporate Universities