
NEC Providing Lisbon with Smart City Infrastructure for Integrated Management of City

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

NEC Portugal, an NEC Group Company, has been awarded a contract with the Municipality of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, to implement a smart city infrastructure project aimed at improving the daily operation and coordination of multiple city services, bolstering security and ultimately improving the Quality of Life (QoL) for residents.


Operation of the infrastructure systems to be developed by NEC is slated to commence by the end of 2017.

NEC will utilize its Cloud City Operation Center (CCOC) to integrate 10 internal systems managed by Lisbon's city government and 30 external systems managed by several partners of the Municipality of Lisbon, and build a Municipal Service Operation Center capable of overseeing the entire city.

In addition, NEC will use its Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for real-time collection and analysis of information from around the city, thereby contributing to the swift provision of municipal services in response to situations such as illegally parked vehicles, the detection of suspicious objects, and more.


"In an effort to improve the urban environment as our city's population increases and the number of tourists rises, Lisbon is striving to better the Quality of Life and strengthen security," said Jorge Maximo, Lisbon city councilman for Sports, Information Systems and Citizen's Relationship. "To accelerate the digital transformation of the city as a whole, we will use NEC's CCOC for cross-integration of environmental data, data from various external entities, data from numerous municipal departmental applications, and data collected using IoT devices."

"We are honored to contribute to Lisbon's smart city infrastructure project," said Ikeno Masahiro, CEO, NEC Europe. "In addition to CCOC, NEC plans to support the city of Lisbon through the provision of the latest ICT, including AI and IoT technologies."

NEC Lisbon Smart City Infrastructure Integrated Management of City