Motorola Solutions will launch WAVE™ PTX in India, a new communication service that instantly connects teams at the push of a button and shares multimedia information via the broadband devices and networks they already have.
Delivered in partnership with Arya Communications & Electronics Services Pvt. Ltd. and Arya Omnitalk Wireless Solutions Pvt. Ltd., the new broadband push-to-talk service for enterprise and government organisations eliminates the barriers between devices, networks and locations to let everyone be part of the conversation.
The solution takes communications further, enabling teams to collaborate with instant voice, data and multimedia, connecting two-way radio users with workers using smartphones, computers and other devices. This includes businesses with complex operations including dispatch functions and field workers that need to maintain connection and collaboration using a combination of voice communication and data including video, images, documents and maps while on the go.
The subscription based service will work on any carrier network and help India’s key industries, including manufacturing, retail and hospitality to work with greater speed and efficiency while accelerating productivity and enhancing customer service.
Organisations can access the service with a choice of devices including Motorola Solutions’ powerful and easy-to-use TLK100 and TLK150 which provides nationwide coverage.
Motorola Solutions’ Vice President for the Asia Pacific Channel, Martin Chappell, said the new communications service would meet the needs of India’s enterprise and government agencies today while giving them the flexibility and scale to adapt to changing needs in the future.
“WAVE™ PTX will enable teams to stay connected to fast and high quality voice, video and data communications to perform a wide variety of tasks,” Chappell said.
“From coordinating complex transport and logistics operations to enhancing safety and security at large public events and beyond - WAVE PTX Broadband Push-to-Talk provides a versatile way for organisations to stay on top of their workflows and get the job done,” he said.
Motorola Solutions is a global enabler in public safety and enterprise security. Its solutions in land mobile radio communications, video security & access control and command center software, bolstered by managed & support services, create an integrated technology ecosystem to help make communities safer and businesses stay productive and secure.