
iran telecom innovations 2017: drives opportunities, innovations in telecoms

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

iran telecom innovations 2017 kicked off in the presence of the minister of ICT, his deputies and other high ranking personalities – a clear indicator of how strongly the Iranian government supports iran telecom innovations.


Iran’s 18th International Trade Show on Innovative CIT Solutions was officially opened by H.E. the Minister of ICT, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi outlining in his speech the next steps on Iran’s ICT agenda until 2022.

More than 200 exhibitors from 16 countries are attending the exposition this year and 40,000 visitors are expected to attend the event.

"RFS is active in Iran since 2005. Our products and solutions are particularly suitable for the Iranian market because of their high quality creating reliable communication. Iranians are quality-minded and the tough environment here also requires high quality. We prefer to cooperate with a local Iranian partner. Participating in professional trade fairs such as iran telecom innovations and advertising in specialized media are the major success factors.


With our participation at iran telecom innovations we want to highlight the high quality of our products, which we believe will be a door opener here in Iran," explained, Hossein Taheri – Managing Drector, RFS Radio Frequency Systems.

"Iskratel has been active in Iran for three years now. Iran is one of the biggest countries in the Middle East. The Iskratel technologies are well suitable for the Iranian market because of the booming Iranian market for optical solutions. Also the ongoing digitalization of telecom solutions here in Iran provides a great market for us.

We believe that the Iranian telecom industry and infrastructure will be modernized and is in need for new equipment service providers.


Iskratel’s participation at iran telecom innovations 2017 targets on improving relations with potential clients and introducing our offers to service providers," Zeljko Puljic, CEO, Iskratel.

RFS Iran Iskratel iran telecom innovations 2017 drives opportunities innovations in telecoms iran telecom innovations