
Indonesia's Tri Strengthens its 4G LTE Coverage

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Entering a decade of serving the people of Indonesia, GSM operator 3 (Tri) is aggressively strengthening its 4G LTE network.


Today, Tri is reaching 227 districts / municipalities, 1,769 sub-districts and 7296 villages in 25 provinces, extend from Lhokseumawe to Manado, includes the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and Bali 4G LTE network.


LTE-based 4G network technology is there to answer the needs of mobile internet for the entire population of Indonesia will be digital and multimedia services continues to increase. This is a form of support and commitment to continue to drive growth Tri internet in Indonesia.


In addition to the expansion of 4G LTE networks aggressive, Tri became the first operator in Indonesia that gives freedom to the people of Indonesia to talk to the whole number of destinations in Indonesia and even to the world's population without a pulse, without quotas.

PULSE slogan Call No. No. QUOTAS, Tri data customers can enjoy these benefits by using the phone features in the app WhatsApp, Line, We chat and BBM course without cutting pulses and quotas throughout the Network Tri either 3G or even 4G.

With the presence of 4G LTE technology, the sound quality will be more clear given to high definition for a phone call either domestic or international that is not inferior to conventional phone services.


Tri continuously deliver products and services that are very close to the daily the Millennials. Until now, the average consumption of the customer data Tri each month reaches 3.5 GB, and nearly 70% of which is used for multimedia access.

"Digital and multimedia services are expected to experience rapid growth this year and in the future, the success of these services are supported by a reliable mobile internet infrastructure that became the main channel passage of such services. With the expansion of 4G LTE Tri, we encourage customers to use application messaging, streaming, downloading or uploading a variety of rich contents with the best quality. "Said Randeep Sing Sekhon, President Director Tri Indonesia.

To enjoy a great experience in this Tri 4G LTE network, customers must use the 4G LTE SIM card and phone supporting 4G LTE network. 4G LTE Tri SIM card has been available in 3Store and the entire Tri stall selling cards.

Customers can exchange the old Tri 3G to 4G SIM card without extra charge at all 3Store and all counter sales of cellular cards in collaboration with Tri, or contact 3Care at number 123 to do direct delivery to the customer.

Internet 4G LTE and freedom presented by Tri phone is expected to reduce the obstacles faced by the younger generation of Indonesia in realizing its ambitions. "Tri commitment towards Indonesia will continue in the future, Tri would like to invite the entire community in Indonesia that always bold ambition and achieve anything they shared ideals Tri.

With 4G LTE Tri breadth and innovative products such as Call Toll No Quota No, of course, will give Indonesian people's freedom to work up to the global arena. Now, both urban communities and those who live in rural areas can have an equal opportunity to achieve their ambitions for Mobile Internet is already a good oxygen everyone now "closed Randeep.

Indonesia 4G LTE Coverage Indonesia's Tri 4G LTE Coverage Tri