
IIT Delhi Open House Features Quadcopters, Cloud, Internet Innovations

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

By Zia Askari


Innovation becomes celebration at IIT Delhi Open House 2014 as students exhibit their spirit to create potential market disruptions.


First in our list of clear market disruptors was “Quadcopters” which is a wonderful display of how next generation robotics can drive critical surveillance ahead. It is set to create new standards in surveillance where these ‘quadcopter’ controls can also be handled with the help of Android running smartphones.


“We have this capability to control these smart drones with the help of a smartphone. These are typically suitable for mission critical assignments such as monitoring a nuclear power plant, or even refineries where it is difficult for people to reach out physically,” informs, Aniket, a final year student at IIT Delhi who is involved in this project.

Digital Signage Goes the Cloud Way

Second in our list was this true next generation digital signage solution which runs on the cloud – literally meaning that it can be controlled remotely. And hence it can deliver a new tool in the hands of banks and revolutionize the whole digital signage industry.


Say hello to RIDS or Real Time Information Display Systems where organizations can manage multiple set of notice boards online, remotely and purely on real time basis.

“This can be a great solution for banks and other organizations where there is information to be shared with their customers. This system is cloud based and hence can provide ‘on the go’ capability to change or modify the content that goes in digital signage,” Explains, Shashank Singla, Director, RIDS Technology.

Interest-Rich Online Content

And thirdly, we came across this Internet start-up which holds all the potential to create a powerful content platform that can stimulate socially attuned regional interest in India and other neighboring countries as well. As part of this website offering, users can put their unique content, such as paintings, piece of art or even their poetry, online and actually make money as well.


“This is a unique platform where you can showcase your hidden talents such as paintings, poetry etc. We have more than 200,000 subscribers in India and other parts of the globe and we are targeting 1.7 million subscribers by the end of this year. We are looking forward to partnering with operators and even handset manufacturers who can bundle our applications for the customers,” explains, Mohd Wassem, Co-Founder, He is an ex-IITian.

Internet Cloud Computing Innovations IIT Delhi Open House Quadcopters