
How Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Used In eCommerce

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Businesses use pay-per-click (PPC) to run ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google, and the like. These ads will promote their products or services to potential clients, and businesses pay a fee for every click that they receive. 


But is it really just all about promoting products and services? Check out the other ways PPC advertising is used in eCommerce: 

  1. To Achieve Goals

One of the common reasons PPC is popular is that it helps businesses reach their marketing and business goals. These goals include eCommerce sales, hot lead submission, thought leadership, or high-level brand exposure. Here's an article where you can learn more about this. 


If you’re in eCommerce, you need to track your goals. Using PPC advertising is a way to monitor and align website traffic drivers to your conversion goals. 

Pay-per-click advertising also acts as the middle ground for serving and nurturing the middle of the funnel. It advertises app downloads, contest entries, newsletter signups, and content downloads. All these can lead to achieving thought leadership and content marketing. You can also use them as paths that your prospects can use, from awareness to becoming a customer throughout the sales funnel. As long as you set up your PPC campaigns effectively, they can help you achieve your goals more easily. 

Even drop shippers use PPC campaigns as part of their marketing strategies. If you want to learn more about how this works, you can always learn from online drop shipping courses. It’d also help to check out third-party reviews like ecombabe review to gauge if the course suits you best. 

  1. To Control The Advertising Budget

You can also use PPC advertising on specific dates of your choice. For instance, you can run ads only to generate fresh leads. Then, you can temporarily pause the PPC ads during busy seasons. This means you’re in control of the budget spent on advertising, which could lessen your marketing expenses.

You can also control how much you spend on each click each day or month. Because you can stop the ad any time, you can cut your expenses. 


  1. To Advertise Specific Products

Pay-per-click advertising allows you to be granular in your campaigns. You can choose who you’re advertising the product or service to and determine what product or service to promote. 

If you run a shoe store, you can create a series of campaigns specifically for the new athletic shoes after getting a new line of these shoes. In your ads, you can add what the shoes are made of and what makes them unique and popular. Hence, you can have a series of campaigns on ‘extremely light and breathable running shoes’ in the ad.  

The ads will show exactly what your copy is. You won’t have to waste paying for a click that will not generate a sale or a visit to your website. You can learn more about making money online by running ads from programs like the Modern Millionaires. 

  1. To Land On Top Of Search Engines

Another use of PPC advertising is to land on top of search engine results pages (SERPs). As it’s a paid ad, your copy will appear when searchers use the keywords in your ads. Especially when you combine search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, you can even appear above your competitors. 

  1. To Fight Algorithm Changes

The algorithm of each platform changes constantly. This means your SEO efforts may become obsolete at any time. As a result, your SEO campaigns may rank lower on SERPs.

On the other hand, algorithm changes have little effect on PPC ads. Your ranking will not go down even without considering the ranking factors required in SEO. So, if you want to have stable traffic from search engines, PPC advertising is a great tool. 

  1. To Supplement SEO Marketing

Search engine optimization is essential to keep your content valuable and relatable in the search engine. It’s also vital to optimize your website, but this could take time as you need to improve your ranking.

You can use PPC advertising to supplement your SEO efforts and hasten their results. The campaigns can fill the gap because they can start going live as soon as the ads are out. With such, you can begin appearing on platforms and getting results without waiting for your SEO efforts to rank high on SERPs.


You may have to spend money on this type of advertising, but it’ll be worth it once you get the results you want. You can achieve them from generating traffic to converting to sales by creating ad campaigns. 

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Ecommerce