How Elisa is promoting equality in the workplace?

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Elisa is participating in the broad-based #eisyrji campaign against discrimination which aims to change attitudes and reduce discrimination in Finnish workplaces.

The goal is to make equality in the workplace a matter of course. Elisa is committed to promoting a workplace culture that has no place for discrimination.

“Equality is one of the core values to Elisa and we want to participate in promoting equal society and workplace. We employ over 4,700 professionals in Finland and internationally. Our clientele is diverse and diversity of our employees is also vital to Elisas success. Equal treatment and non-discrimination are important to us. According to feedback from our personnel we have succeeded quite well but /yet there is always room to improve empathy and collaboration between different people”, says Merja Ranta-aho, Elisas Executive Vice President, HR.

The campaign was initiated by the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and, in addition to Elisa, 17 other businesses and organisations of varying size and from various sectors are participating in its launch stage.

Work does not discriminate, our attitudes do

Earlier this year, the Confederation of Finnish industries EK conducted a survey on Finns’ experiences of ageism and sexual harassment. According to the survey carried out by Taloustutkimus, 10 per cent of Finns have experienced ageism when applying for jobs in the past two years. Moreover, 7 per cent of people of working age said they had experienced sexual harassment in their work in the past two years. According to the survey’s respondents, they have experienced discrimination from colleagues, customers and employers.

Finnish anti-discrimination legislation is comprehensive, and its enforcement is effective, too. Since discrimination nonetheless exists, with the #eisyrji campaign we want to raise Finns’ awareness and encourage them to think about their own attitudes.

The goal of the campaign is to make it clear that work does not discriminate but our attitudes do. Too often, discrimination hinders people’s ability to work. Inequality must not keep anyone from finding a job or succeeding in their work. This is in the interest of all of us because everyone’s contribution matters.

The participants in the launch stage are Elisa and the S Group, McDonalds, the University of Helsinki, Valio, Nordea, K-Group, ISS, SOL, Osuuspankki, Finnair, Antell, Fortum, Neste, Miltton, Nokia, Aava and Barona.

