
How DAS Can Play Key Role in Wireless and Public Safety Communications

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Dali Wireless, Inc., a global provider of the advanced all-digital RF ROUTER that transcends Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), showcased its t-Series® wireless and Public Safety (PS) solution at the 2015 International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE).


As part of Dali Wireless participation, Lance Craft, Vice President of Sales, Americas, presented on the panel entitled “Introduction to HetNets and Small Cells”.

Today’s heterogeneous networks (HetNets) and small cell architectures are becoming critical pieces of new LTE networks because they are capable of providing higher capacity, greater data throughput, and indoor coverage. Craft shared his insights with the attendees about the ever-increasing use of DAS to expand wireless coverage and capacity, and public safety coverage and access.

He also highlighted how the capabilities of the t-Series platform transcends traditional DAS in scalability and flexibility to enhance mobile users’ experience and to ensure seamless mission-critical public safety communications, for VoLTE, real time video as well as traditional data and voice.


Dali Wireless is also set to participate at the upcoming global ICT exposition, CommunicAsia 2015 in Singapore during June 2 - 5.

Singapore's CommunicAsia 2015 presents a unique platform where global IT and communications vendor come forward to showcase their latest products and solutions to the global audience.

Wireless Communications DAS RF Router Public Safety Public Safety Communications Dali Wireless