High Frequency Trading Firm Selects Spread Networks by Zayo

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A high frequency trading firm has selected Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. for an ultra-low latency (ULL) solution that includes dark fiber and wavelengths. The solution leverages Spread Networks routes in the New York/New Jersey financial corridor.

Spread Networks by Zayo routes connect key financial institutions via its high-bandwidth, ULL routes, which include both dark fiber and wavelengths. These routes are particularly important to financial services customers as well as content, media and cloud providers who depend upon the fastest possible speed on the shortest possible routes.

“When microseconds equate to millions of dollars, low latency and access to the underlying asset owner provide a powerful competitive advantage,” said Jack Waters, president of Fiber Solutions and CTO at Zayo. “Zayo is well positioned to provide the infrastructure that enables the customer to execute its high-volume trading strategies across the U.S. and around the globe.”

Since Zayo acquired Spread Networks, it has worked to expand upon the Spread assets and expertise to build a global exchange connectivity network for financial customers. Leveraging owned network and partners, Zayo provides low-latency access to key financial exchanges in London, Tokyo, Sydney, Brazil and beyond.
