
CeBIT 2017: Deutsche Telekom leads the way with “Digitization. Simply. Make it happen.”

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Deutsche Telekom is presenting itself at CeBIT 2017 as a reliable and knowledgeable partner for the digital transformation.


The company’s slogan – "Digitization. Simply. Make it happen."– will function as a signpost to the future. Everything at Deutsche Telekom’s booth (Hall 4 C38) is geared to the start-up spirit, going on the offensive and making progress.

Under a kinetic floral petal of 35 meters in diameter, the company will present specific success stories and solutions for new digital business models and secure networks, as well as wcloud- and security-related products and services.

“At our booth we will be showcasing mega-trends like the wInternet of Things (IoT), drones, w5G, wcloud services, virtual reality, smart cities and everything related to the new realm of artificial intelligence,” explains Antje Hundhausen, Vice President 3D Brand Experience. “SMEs and corporate customers can experience the benefits of digitization best if we share specific success stories with them and get them to interact with hands-on exhibits. A large number of inspiring Executive Talks and reference cases will demonstrate in concrete terms how the digital transformation can enrich all branches of industry, propelling them into the future.”


Deutsche Telekom will underscore the opportunities digitization promises the retail industry for example in a digitally transformed store, where visitors can explore sensor-controlled IoT shelving, check the quality of goods using a molecular sensor device (SCiO), and find out more about mobile payment transactions.

In addition, examples of digitization will show how easily SME retailers can digitize and optimize their processes. One example is the digital checkout, which even small-scale enterprises can use to map all their business processes and thus leverage the same wIT capabilities as big retail chains.

Two different formats will take turns on the central stage of the booth. With its Executive Talks, Deutsche Telekom will position itself as a partner, and provider of impulses, to the industry, while the Digital Practice sessions will spotlight practical applications and keynote speeches on digital topics – such as cyber security, digital responsibility and smart cities.


Further topics to be presented at the 3,400-m2 booth of Deutsche Telekom and T-Systems, the company’s corporate-customer subsidiary, include wcloud services, security solutions, fixed-mobile convergence products as well as products and services for virtual collaboration and wIT platforms.

CeBIT Digitization Deutsche Telekom CeBIT 2017 “Digitization. Simply. Make it happen.”