Biggest Casino Jackpot Wins in History


There have been some impressive wins in the history of the casinos with some of them being recorded as the biggest wins ever in their particular jackpot online casinos. They have changed lives in many ways; some for the better and some for the worse. Sometimes, players have made money but other times players have won big time but have actually still lost out in the long run.  With so many fascinating stories that we could tell you, here are some of the biggest wins that we know about to date.

Kerry Packer

Already one of the most wealthy men of Australia, billionaire Kerry Packer visited Las Vegas on a trip and entered the MGM Grand supposedly out of curiosity.  He did not know much about Baccarat or Blackjack but decided to spend his evening playing these casino games that were fairly new to him, though popular with millions of other players around the globe.  Interestingly, the amount of money that Packer won whilst playing these two casino favourites is unknown because he won so many times that one particular night, but it is estimated to be in the region of $20 to $40 million.  But is this considered one of the biggest wins when shortly after this in London, Packer lost $28 million in a single night from gambling? 

Excitement in Excalibur Casino

When a young engineer decided to go and watch his favourite basketball team play in Las Vegas, he arrived in the State with a few hours to spare and needed something to do to kill the time he had.  He went into the Excalibur casino and spent $100 on the slot machines.  Nothing remarkable here you may think and you would be right, but suddenly the jackpot flashed across the screen and suddenly the 25 year old was in receipt of $39,713,982.25.  More sensible than most, he decided to remain anonymous and asked that real money casino to pay him annually with a certain amount of his winning as opposed to one lump sum, so he receives $1.5 million every year of his winnings to spend as he chooses. 

Wheel of Fortune Slot

Las Vegas strikes again in this story with a 60-year-old lady, known for her stubbornness, enjoying visiting the Palace Station to play on her favourite slots game, the Wheel of Fortune.  She hit the jackpot and received $680,000 which was a great amount of cash but small fish in comparison to what we have previously been talking about.  But this determined OAP did not let her sizeable win go to her head and decided to continue returning to her favourite casino to carry on playing on her favourite slots game.  She saw it as some sort of investment, though she knew this could go either way, but luckily for her, the odds were seemingly in her favour because she hit the jackpot on Megabucks slots game and won $27 million in addition to the previous win she had had on the Wheel of Fortune.  What a risk to take but it certainly paid off for this lucky lady.
