
Aptilo, Telia Sweden Deploy Pop-Up Wi-Fi Hotspots for Almedalen Week

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

Aptilo Networks is enabling Wi-Fi services for Telia Sweden during the week of Almedalen, Sweden’s most important political forum, with temporary Wi-Fi hotspots to offer high-quality Telia WIFI service free to all visitors during that week.


It is the fifth time Telia is providing Wi-Fi services, enabled by the Aptilo platform, for this annual gathering. The week of Almedalen is being held June 28-July 5, 2015.

Telia Sweden and Aptilo are building pop-up Wi-Fi hotspots in and around the city of Visby for the 30,000 participants forecasted to attend this year, transforming Almedalen and its surroundings into Telia WIFI areas. Of behalf of Telia Sweden, Aptilo rebrands the login portal with an Almedalen-specific theme.

The Aptilo Service Management Platform (SMP) uses SIM Authentication that enables seamless login to the Telia WIFI service for Telia subscribers who will be welcomed with a special Almedalen-themed SMS to brand the event. Other users simply click on the Almedalen-branded portal to connect to the Telia WIFI service.


“The event at Almedalen has been getting more and more popular, and for the last few years the Telia-provided network of Wi-Fi hotspots has been growing to meet the increasing capacity needs. We are proud to be working with Telia Sweden, a leader in creating ‘the digital life’ for its customers, once again during Almedalen Week,” said Paul Mikkelsen, CEO, Aptilo Networks.

During Almedalen Week, delegates from the major political parties in Sweden join lobbyists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other representatives to debate politics and social issues. More than 3,500 political delegates and 963 journalists participated in the event last year.

Wi-Fi Sweden Hotspots Aptilo Wi-Fi Calling Paul Mikkelsen SMP Telia Sweden Pop-Up Wi-Fi Hotspots Almedalen Week Aptilo Service Management Platform