
ALVIS picks Nokia to connect rural regions across Argentina

Telecomdrive Bureau
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Nokia has been selected by ALVIS to deploy a 4G/LTE, 5G-ready network to service over 36 rural areas in Argentina, boosting connectivity for underserved communities and businesses across the country.


It is the first combined deployment of 450 MHz (commercially) and 410 MHz (as a trial) spectrum bands in Latin America — leveraging the combined bands’ long-range to support various Industry 4.0 transformational use cases in agriculture, energy distribution, security and localization services (equipment or people) in rural areas.


Nokia is a pioneer in the design and deployment of 400 MHz LTE networks for operators and has recently deployed two similar networks in Europe and the Middle East. The new network will support numerous upcoming opportunities in Industry 4.0 as well several innovative projects for agribusiness and utilities, among other verticals currently being reviewed by ALVIS.


Marcelo Dumanjó, CEO of ALVIS, said: “We are delighted to have chosen Nokia, as it gives us the technological and business support that a deployment of this magnitude deserves. The network will allow us to provide internet service in sub-urban and rural areas; connecting equipment, fixed installations, machinery (harvesters, tractors, seeders, trucks), silobags and weather stations, for example. It will also address other fixed and mobile connection needs for service where it was not possible before, capturing a range of efficiencies. Nokia's world leadership in LTE technology applied to fixed and mobile networks provides reliability, sustainability and long-term technological updates to give our customers access to a reliable and cost-efficient connectivity service.”

Marcelo Entreconti, Head of Enterprise for Nokia Latin America, said: “We are excited to be part of this innovative project, which will connect thousands of Argentinians for the first time — bridging the digital divide and delivering new services related to education, health and entertainment. The network is also designed to provide connectivity services for several business sectors, which opens new revenue streams for ALVIS and its citizens.”

Nokia Argentina ALVIS