
All Top Employee Recognition Program Names

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Employee recognition programs are a great way to build a strong team throughout the company. With a great employee recognition program, it is possible to enhance employee morale, build stronger engagements, and shrunken turnover.


The employees are the powerhouse of a company. So, to keep a company running, you need to fuel it properly. However, almost 37% of employees think proper recognition can make them work better and efficiently.

A company requires to find the correct employee recognition program for the best benefits. It should resonate with the branding, company morale, and the taste of the employees. In this article, we will discuss various employee recognition programs that any company can adopt.

What is an Employee Recognition Program?


The employee recognition program is concerned with the accomplishments and acknowledgment of the hard work of an employee.  It helps in building a greater connection between the employee and the company.

When a company can adopt the right recognition program, it supports the work of each employee and keeps them loyal to the company’s values. The recognition can come in many forms, like earning a badge, getting a gift card or cash prize, even some motivational speech.

The ultimate goal of the employee recognition program is to make the employees feel respected, loved, and valued.


Employee Recognition Programs Ideas any Company Can Adopt

The things every company needs to keep in mind are, these programs require to be meaningful, personal, and should reflect the company culture. The idea behind such programs is to show gratitude to the dedicated employees.

When an employee recognition program is combined with proper care and thoughtfulness, it can effectively boost employee morale and retention.

So, here are a few retention ideas to explore:

1.    Send a Spot Bonus

Providing a spot bonus for achieving a significant goal or going above and beyond is a good recognition technique. For most people, money is a great form of motivation. Therefore, for many years, a number of companies have practiced this recognition program.

However, be sure to make this significant. You can use words of praise or send personalized notes to make it significant. Also, displaying the recognition throughout the company forum or the social media platform also helps in boosting the confidence of the employee.

2.    Give Them a Taste of Adventure

Maintaining a strict routine for the weekdays is pretty crucial for an employee to perform his best. So, whenever an employee achieves something extraordinary, giving them relief from the monotonous routine can come in very handy.

This can either be an air ticket for visiting some exotic place or a fully inclusive vacation plan for somewhere outside the city. Either way, it demolishes the boredom in the employee. As a result, he gets motivated and keen to accomplish new goals.

3.    Care Packages Represent Caring

Giving away care packages for outstanding performances can be a great recognition practice. The care packages may contain all sorts of pampering items.

As time changes, people have less time to get pampered. So, a care package containing chocolates, scented candles, bath salts, or just a teddy bear can bring tremendous joy to a person.

4.    Company-wide Shoutout

Recognizing an employee for good work can go a long way. You can polish up a personalized speech for everyone around the office to acknowledge the good work. This speech can either be a tweet-length or a page long.

When you shout out the achievements, the employee in the question naturally gets a motivation boost. Also, other employees will try to follow in similar footsteps. It will positively impact the whole workplace.

5.    Give Them a Treat

No one can deny the effectiveness of a great meal. Therefore, whenever an employee provides an excellent result, give them a treat in a good restaurant. Either the manager or the CEO may accompany the employer, or the employee may be offered a gift card to have an intimate dinner with their loved ones.

Either way, it is a great gesture to show appreciation toward the employee for the good work.

6.    Celebrating Anniversaries

Celebrating anniversaries is a great way to build morale and opens the door to create a strong bond between the employee and the management.

When you organize a celebration for the birthdays or work anniversaries of the employees, it provides them a sense of belonging. Therefore, the employee becomes willing to give his full effort to uphold the company’s core values.

7.    Invest in Employee Wellness

Employee wellness has always been one of the most demanded perks. The 2020 pandemic has proved that the importance of wellbeing is crucial more than ever.

Taking care of the employees by the employer builds a strong relationship between them. Therefore, the employees get a sense of security from their jobs and work towards the wellbeing of the company.

8.    Creative Feedbacks

Giving creative feedback to the employees is the original form of an employee recognition program. Without providing the right feedback, any initiative to recognize is destined to fail.

This feedback enables an employee to connect the recognition to his work. Employee appreciation day and employee of the month programs are the perfect examples of this program.

9.    Throw Parties Now and Then

Throwing office parties can be a very effective employee recognition program. Whenever you achieve a goal or accomplish a hard task, you can throw small office parties. These parties can be a huge motivation to accomplish tasks for the employee.

When the management throws office parties, the employees see the office as a friendly place rather than a place of only work. Therefore, their work becomes more rewarding and motivating.

10.    Presenting Something to Decorate the Workspace

Workspace decoration pieces are a great way to make someone feel comfortable. An employee spends a lot of time in their workspace. If the workspace is built with plain colors, employees can easily get bored and lose motivation.

In addition to creating a creative workspace, the employer can give the employee a little something to decorate their workspace. It will provide them the satisfaction of accomplishment as well as brighten up their mood every time they enter their cubicle.

11.    Providing Badges for Accomplishments

Giving away badges can be a great form of recognition. In this way, the employee can showcase their achievements, and the employer can distinguish who is an expert in what matters.

These badges can either be physical or digital. Also, the management can adopt a program where anyone who looks into the employee profile can see those badges. It provides an easier way to shout out the skills of the employee throughout the workspace. Also, it gives the employee a sense of achievement and motivates them to collect other badges as well.

How Can You Build a Successful Employee Recognition Program?

As per the top organizations worldwide, employee recognition programs have helped them enrich culture, enhance engagement, and reduce turnovers. Any company can be able to achieve these essential qualities with a solid employee recognition program.

So, how do you build a solid employee recognition program? Here are some tips:

  • Develop a solid case for the employee recognition program. Find out the drawbacks the company currently has and how a recognition program can solve them.
  • Build a support system to help to recognize the talents. Each employee has their own strengths and weaknesses. So, make a dedicated team who can recognize the talents and nurture them.
  • A recognition program must have some characteristics. Before implementing any recognition program, weigh your options and consider if your program can fulfill all those characteristics. A program’s most crucial characteristic is timely execution, frequently occurring, specific about the achievement, visible, inclusive, and increased value.

Best Practices

Another important thing about recognition programs is to follow the best practices. It’s easy to implement programs. However, executing them correctly will give you the best benefits. The best practices allow you to grab those benefits. Some of the best practices are:

  • Defining the program objectives and criteria: This means determining what behaviors will be rewarded and in which interval. Also, how the behavior could be rewarded and who will provide the recognition.
  • Use multifaceted rewards and recognition programs: The reward shouldn’t always be about money or some perks. Non-tangible rewards can also encourage employees to provide their best foot forward.
  • Provide the employees choice and voice: Make sure your employee recognition program resonates with your employees’ taste. Otherwise, it won’t be as effective as it should be.
  • Measure the success of the program: After launching a program, keep it under surveillance. After a certain time, measure if it’s working or not. Make changes and improvements to the program if necessary.

Final Words

Motivated employees will give their best to make the organization thrive. Therefore, to inspire the employees and introduce them to the company’s core values, the significance of recognition programs cannot be denied.

Any of the abovementioned recognition strategies can be implemented in the workplace. However, the employer needs to keep it under proper surveillance and take necessary measures to make it more effective. Only then, a workplace can largely progress, and the employees build a strong relationship with the employer.

Employee Recognition