U.S-based Agile Networks Deploys RADWIN's Terragraph to Address Bandwidth Challenge

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

RADWIN, the global wireless broadband provider, has announced that its 60GHz self-organizing wireless mesh Terragraph solution is being deployed in multiple trial sites globally.

U.S-based Agile Networks - a long-standing RADWIN service provider customer - announced the new pilot deployment of RADWIN's Terragraph solution to address the bandwidth challenge in Ohio, U.S (see full Agile PR). Terragraph is developed in close collaboration with Facebook and Intel.

RADWIN's mmWave mesh solution will enable service providers to deliver high-speed, multi-gig wireless access services to homes and businesses in urban and suburban environments, expanding service providers' network coverage beyond the fiber footprint. The inherent flexibility of the 60GHz self-organizing mesh network ensures high network resiliency and service availability and enables supporting a wide array of deployment use cases by overcoming range and LoS limitations and enabling efficient and cost-effective network expansion.

Sharon Sher, RADWIN's President and CEO: "RADWIN had been an innovative provider of Fixed Wireless Access solutions for the past 20 years and we experience first-hand the challenges service providers face in extending fiber to every house and business. Terragraph's advanced technology, feature-set, cost structure and unique mesh architecture makes it the optimal wireless solution to drive multi-gig services in urban and suburban environments and complement fiber deployments. We are experiencing very strong demand from our global customer base as well as from new service providers and we are happy to announce solution availability, next quarter, for trials and pilots. We are proud to work with Facebook to be one of the first to deliver the Terragraph product to the market and to work with both Facebook and Intel in the development of this unique solution."

According to Agile Networks CEO Kyle Quillen: "Terragraph will open an entirely new realm of possibilities in Canton's Innovation District, and more broadly over Agile's multistate geography. By leveraging our partnerships with global leaders in telecommunications and connectivity, we're able to install the first system that delivers multi-gig access to the entities within the Innovation District more efficiently and at a significantly lower cost than traditional fiber installation."

Kyle Quillen also said: "Our team has been working for years with government entities at all levels to maximize the use of broadband as an economic development tool and a driving force to shape the future economic outlook for cities across Ohio. Terragraph is a game changer in this effort. Once complete, the Canton Innovation District project serves as a model to be replicated in dozens of cities across Ohio, hundreds of cities across the USA and tens of thousands of cities across the globe."

Dan Rabinovitsj, Facebook's Vice President of Connectivity: "We are excited to see RADWIN's continued support for Terragraph, enhancing broadband connectivity in communities around the globe. With Terragraph, we're collaborating with our ecosystem partners around 60GHz technologies, with the ultimate goal of enabling more people to use the internet to connect with friends and family, learn and access economic opportunities."

Terragraph Bandwidth Challenge RADWIN's Terragraph U.S-based Agile Networks RADWIN Ohio USA Agile Networks