Delivering unique network insights based on various technologies such as LTE, HSPA, 3G etc - Twin Prime's GLAS Insights report says that Airtel leads with the fastest network in India.
The report further states that irrespective of carrier, the migration from 3G to HSPA resulted in an 15% overall growth in download speeds. Even more significantly, the advent of LTE has resulted in a more than doubling (118% to be exact) of the download speeds consumers are experiencing in the Indian market.
Tier I cities are not significantly advantaged over Tier II cities
As per the findings of the report, Jaipur has the fastest LTE speeds of any of the cities we sourced from our data, and Pune is comparable to New Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad (there was no statistically significant sample size for LTE in Ahmedabad)..
AirTel dominates across majority of Indian cities
As per the report, AirTel is the only carrier that appears in the report's dataset with a statistically relevant LTE network. All other carriers are either 3G or HSPA. So, it should come as no surprise that excepting Ahmedabad, all other cities see AirTel as the fastest carrier.
The report states that - even if LTE is removed from the equation, it appears that AirTel is still one of the best performing carriers in India. The chart below shows it to be statistically at the same level as Vodafone India, for 3G & HSPA. Add in the fact that AirTel has invested in LTE before any of the other carriers, and it seems appropriate to assert that AirTel is currently the best carrier in India for download speeds.
Consumers in India are experiencing the benefits of the advances in network technology from 3G to HSPA to LTE. This is becoming especially important due to the explosion in mobile apps in India, and the wide variety of use cases they represent — all requiring fast access to richer forms of content.
The report further states that India-based carriers invest at a proportionally representative amount in both Tier I & Tier II cities, what is clear from our data is that AirTel has the best performance among all the networks in India. Not only are they leading the LTE investment trend, but their 3G & HSPA technologies are also among the best performing networks in India. Only Vodafone India has HSPA & 3G speeds similar to Airtel, while AirCel & Reliance’s HSPA & 3G networks are 20-25% slower.