Nokia and Post Luxembourg are deploying technology, which boosts speeds on available copper infrastructure in buildings, to deliver fiber-like speeds to inhabitants in the Grand Duchy.
Complementing its ongoing fiber roll-out in the country, Post Luxembourg is deploying technology inside apartment buildings to considerably boost speeds for subscribers and enhance their triple-play and high-definition video experience.
Today, about 60 percent of homes in the Grand Duchy already have access to gigabit fiber networks. However, for those living in multi-dwelling units, getting access to fiber networks can be challenging often requiring a complete rewiring of the premises to bring fiber into an apartment. With Nokia's solution, which uses built-in vectoring technology to reduce cross-talk interference that typically impacts data speeds over copper networks, Post Luxembourg will be able to use the last meters of existing copper in the building to effectively bring ultra-broadband access to customers.
Gaston Bohnenberger, Managing Director of POST Technologies, said: "The technology today makes sense for us in buildings where it is difficult or impossible to modernize the internal cabling of the building. While POST Luxembourg's main objective remains to bring the fiber all the way up to the customers apartment, will be used in buildings where rewiring is at present not possible. Through this investment, POST enables the customer to profit from higher speed offers as soon as the building is connected to the FTTH network."
Federico Guillén, president of Nokia's Fixed Networks Business Group, said: "This multi-technology mix of fiber and copper makes absolute sense when rolling out ultra-broadband networks. The reality is that Fiber-to-the-Home can, in some cases, take years to deploy due to challenging local conditions. Today's copper technologies have advanced so much that they can offer fiber-like speeds to enhance the way customers experience their broadband services. As market leader in copper and fiber technologies, Nokia has the experience it takes to deliver these multi-technology broadband networks."
As part of the contract, Nokia is delivering 8 and 16 port micro-nodes with vectoring (7367 ISAM SX-8 and SX16) which are ideally suited for Multi-Dwelling-Unit (MDU) applications. services will be terminated in the home using the Nokia 7368 ISAM F-010G CPE.