NFV, SDN, IoT Critical to Drive Ultra-fast Access for Broadband 20/20 Vision

Telecomdrive Bureau
New Update

The Broadband Forum has announced its new Broadband 20/20 vision and next generation technologies such as NFV, SDN and IoT are likely to play an important role towards realizing the full potential of broadband of tomorrow.

The vision is to enable new opportunities for profitable revenue growth by leveraging new technologies in the home, small business and multi-user infrastructure of the broadband network.


The innovative use of NFV, SDN, ultra-fast access, IoT (Internet of Things) and, when formally defined, 5G, enables the delivery of exciting ultra-fast broadband services, with distributed compute and storage to anywhere and any device in the home and business locations.

It enables new markets and business models for providers worldwide to deliver these services and applications, transforming the way people communicate, purchase and consume all manner of informational and entertainment content.

Launching the Forum's Broadband 20/20, CEO Robin Mersh unveiled the Forum's strategy to enable a new world of broadband, featuring seamless migration to ultra-fast, agile connectivity, and exciting new roles for service providers unparalleled in the industry.

The top five areas of innovation identified and enabled by Broadband 20/20 are ultra-fast infrastructure, intelligent home/small business, seamless converged wireline and wireless networks, performance-assured on-demand IP broadband services and a personalized network experience.

"Of course, all service providers are very focused on profitable revenue-generating services but this is the first time this or any forum has come together as a community to take a holistic approach to new technologies and have them deliver real value," said Robin Mersh, CEO of the Broadband Forum. "We are very proud of what the Forum has already achieved in its 24-year history in making broadband what it is today, but now we have embarked on a new challenge, a new opportunity and in fact the chance to create a whole new world of communications."

The Broadband Forum has helped shape a world in which now more than 700 million customers enjoy broadband. Now, in order to realize the promise of Broadband 20/20, the Forum has undergone a major restructure into eight work areas with a new culture of rapid technical development so as to incrementally deliver technical specifications, architecture, management, software data models, APIs, interoperability tests, etc., around which the industry can evolve.

"NFV and SDN has made the industry think about how fast we need to develop our networks in this era of enormous bandwidth demand and it has made it look across the entire eco-system to converge and develop technologies that will create revenue and services quickly and efficiently. The Forum has a key and unique role to play in making it happen," added Mersh.

The Forum's Broadband 20/20 vision is for ultra-fast technologies and software to be delivering significant new levels of performance and assurance, and rapid deployment. For the foreseeable future, the broadband infrastructure will act as a hybrid ecosystem; handling both current static and new programmable, virtualized networking and computing as the market moves forward.

The Forum, which announced the appointment of Software Architect William Lupton at the beginning of the year, has been working to deliver on many key work areas in the Broadband 20/20 vision, but much remains to be achieved, particularly in the area of data models and APIs.

"The pace of change in telecommunications never slackens - it always increases - and this new focus for the Forum will support the industry in not only matching that pace but to do it by creating important new revenue streams at the same time," said Mersh.

SDN Robin Mersh Broadband 20/20 Vision Ultra-fast Access Internet of Things IoT NFV Broadband Forum