Lava International has launched its new series of smartphones, the Pixel Series in India. It introduced the first variant, Pixel V1, an Android One device at a price of INR 11, 350 in collaboration with Google.
The Pixel V1 has been developed by close coordination between product R&D teams at Lava & Google. With the right hardware specifications and the promise of the Android One platform, Pixel V1 not only provides a great user experience, but also represents great value.
Android One offers a high-quality experience, running the latest and fastest version of Android (Lollipop, 5.1) — with up to 2x better performance. On top of that, the device will be kept up-to-date with future versions of Android, so that it gets even better over time. The smartphone has been certified by Google -- specifically, tested to ensure it is fast and responsive.
Reinforcing Lava’s design capabilities, this product is a marvel featuring a 5.5 inch wide HD screen in a slim design that fits beautifully in your palm. The phone has a 73.6% screen to body ratio with a 76.3mm wide body, one of the best in its segment. The IPS display renders great viewing angles.
Being on the Android One platform, the colour accuracy and brightness of the smartphone is up to 300% better than the industry average. In particular, this Android One device comes with an impressive touch screen that can detect up to 100 touches every second.
The device packs 32 GB Internal memory further expandable up to 32 GB through SD card, and a 2GB DDR3 RAM. A higher internal memory is better than an extended memory since the read & write speeds from internal memory are 10X faster than a typical external SD card, thereby leading to a lag free experience. It will also allow a user to install all the upgrades and applications without running out of space.
In terms of the camera, the Pixel V1 takes great 13MP BSI Rear Camera Images (Software enhanced 8MP sensor) and 8MP BSI front camera Images (software enhanced 5MP sensor). However, what ensures a great photography experience on the device is the 1.4 micron pixel size and F2.0 aperture of the rear camera. 1.4 micron pixel size allows more light intake per pixel helping in capturing brighter, clearer images with great detail. This pixel size is one of the highest in the segment. The F2.0 aperture gives depth of field, better focus and great images in low light. The camera comes with 5P LarganTM lens and Blue Glass Filter that cuts off infrared light to help the sensor reproduce true life-like colors. Full HD video recording and playback is also supported.
The effortlessly-chic looks of the smartphone perfectly complement the power-packed performance of 2650 mAh high voltage Li-Po battery. The latest version of Android (Lollipop, 5.1) has a battery extension feature that gives users up to 90 minutes of extra usage. The Pixel V1 is powered by 1.3 GHz Quad Core processor and houses dual SIM 3G+3G connectivity. The smartphone features ‘5 point touch’. It also allows the user to experience Google voice search & voice commands from the home screen using the “OK Google” feature made famous by Google’s Nexus range of devices
Commenting on the launch Navin Chawla, Vice President & Head Product, LAVA International said, “We are extremely pleased about our association with Google to launch Lava‘s first Android One device, the Pixel V1. This device sets the foundation for a new category of smartphones by Lava that offer a great value and experience to the consumer. Design being our forte, this product has been developed with leading hardware components & specifications that integrate well with Android One. Needless to say, with Google’s stamp of authority on the software coupled with the benefits of the Android One program this device will always stay the latest.”
Speaking on the occasion, Caesar Sengupta, VP, Product Management at Google said, “Google is pleased to collaborate with Lava on Android One - a program designed to help bring high quality, affordable Android devices to everyone. Together we will work to empower the next billion people.”
The smartphone will be available in two striking colors, White-Silver and Gold across all national retail stores and multi-brand outlets. It will also be available online exclusively through from July 27th 2015.
Additionally, the product will also be placed at over 2000 stores in all national and regional modern trade chains and over 65000 Multi-Brand outlets across the country.