KDDI CORPORATION has joined forces with independent venture capital firm Global Brain Corp. to establish KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3 (KOIF3), a fund that will invest in venture firms that hold promise for generating synergy with KDDI group companies in the coming 5G era.
In anticipation of the changes that will be brought about as 5G technology comes into widespread use, plans call for KOIF3 to invest approximately ¥20 billion over the next five years in ventures that possess innovative technologies and business operations.
The investment programs established with KOIF3 will reinforce efforts by KDDI and its group companies to use their networks among venture companies as well as their experience and knowledge of technology and business to seek out promising venture firms in fields such as AI and IoT, which will grow ever more crucial in the 5G age.
The investment programs will also make it possible not just for KDDI but also for its group companies to proactively undertake joint development efforts with venture firms.
Distinctive characteristics of KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3
The fund establishes investment programs that leverage the venture company networks, as well as the knowledge and experience of KDDI group companies.
[Initial investment programs]
ARISE analytics AI Fund Program
SORACOM IoT Fund Program
Supership DataMarketing Fund Program
(Current as of April 5, 2018. Programs may be added in the future. KOIF3 investment decisions will be made by fund manager Global Brain Corp.)
The existing total funds under management of ¥5 billion (KOIF1 and KOIF2) will be expanded to ¥20 billion.
Why KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3
The high-speed, high-capacity, low-delay and multi-connection characteristics that widespread adoption of 5G technology enables are expected to bring major changes to our lives.
The ability to connect just about everything in real time will bring about a world in which we can provide customers with a new experience of value. KDDI's efforts to accomplish this include not just our collaborative business programs such as KDDI ∞ Labo and KDDI DIGITAL GATE. They now also include fresh efforts to promote joint business creation with venture companies.
Overview of KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3
Name:KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3 (KOIF3)
Operational period:Scheduled for 10 years through March 2028
Targets:Venture firms with promise for the 5G era, which can create business operations with KDDI group companies
Operating funds:Approx. ¥20 billion (scheduled)
Manager:Global Brain Corp.