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Owing to its core strengths on the telecom services side, BT has retained its position as a leader in the IDC MarketScape: Asia Pacific Next-Generation Telcos – ICT Services 2013-2014 Vendor Analysis.
As part of the report, IDC underlines BT’s commitment to the Asia Pacific region through continued investments in networks, services portfolio and people, and recognizes how BT is continuing to build its customer base.
Elaborating on this, Charles Anderson, Associate VP and Head of Telecoms & Mobility at IDC Asia Pacific said: “BT has been very committed to continuing to invest and enhance its capabilities in the region. Over the past 12 months, BT has launched numerous new offerings and service enhancements to its already broad portfolio of services in Asia Pacific. All these investments show that BT does not rest on its laurels but continues to strive for service excellence to better serve its customers.”