BT has launched the Home SmartPhone SII, a touchscreen home phone that includes access to Google Play, the largest app store available. This provides easy access to a wide range of social media, games and a raft of useful applications.
This handset gives customers another connected device around the home so that all of the family can get online instantly, whether it be to catch up on emails in the garden, browse recipes in the kitchen, or check up on social media from the bedroom.
Customers will be able to link up to their home wi-fi and keep themselves up to date and entertained with Twitter, YouTube and Tune-In Radio. It’s also easy to call straight from selected numbers on websites, saving the need for dialling or jotting numbers down.
The new Home SmartPhone SII comes with BT’s unique Nuisance Call Blocking technology , which allows users to block up to 80 per cent of unwanted calls . This follows the huge popularity of the best selling BT6500 , which was BT’s first landline phone to block nuisance callers.
The Home SmartPhone SII comes with a 2GB expandable memory which means it can store everyone’s favourite music to play all around the house with the music and video player. The front facing camera is handy for taking photos around the home, or going online to make video calls so customers can see as well as hear their friends.
It has all the great features of a BT home phone with high quality call clarity, an answering machine which can be accessed at home or remotely, and hands free capability. It also has a range of up to 50m indoors and 300m outdoors and the capacity to store up to 1500 contacts.
With BT’s unique Nuisance Call Blocking feature customers will be able to block calls from “international” numbers, “withheld” numbers, and unknown callers. They will also have the option to block incoming calls from up to 10 telephone numbers or put the phone into “Do Not Disturb” mode, which switches off the ringer.
Erik Raphael, Director BT Wifi and Devices at BT, said: “We are extremely pleased to be adding Google Play to our Home SmartPhone SII which opens up access to the biggest app store available. The home smartphone provides an excellent solution for getting everyone in the family online whenever they need access. The Home SmartPhone SII makes the home phone central to family life again, allowing you to look up numbers online and communicate with friends and family via email, facebook or calls.”